
09 December 2016

Job hunt

To keeps myself occupied and for a different experience, I finally decided to take up a part time job in the vicinity for the month long holidays that I have.  So I took a walk down the town centre of Chertsey (not a very large area but functional and sufficiently large for a small town).  I walked into nearly a dozen stores inquiring if they have an opening for a part time job.  Knowing that the Christmas shopping frenzy is on, I mainly targeted supermarkets and retail shops.

As I walked down the road from the house, I was a bit anxious. After all, this is the first time I am doing this. Secondly I had really no clue of what exactly I would land up with.  By the time I returned home, I was happy I did this exercise. Not one of those whom I met was curt or impolite. All of them - each one of those whom I approached - were kind and very helpful.  Some of them took pains to direct me to the concerned persons, in spite of their work and commitments. Most of them asked me to go online and register myself at their website or on the Borough Council site.  A couple of them handed out application forms to be filled in.  A couple of others told me that they were not hiring anyone right now.

Though I didn't land a job - though was hoping for but reasoning that I wouldn't - I came back satisfied. At night sat and did a bit of online search.  Part of the search entailed preparing a CV.  Never before did I do this. And I was laughing away thinking, only religious can afford this sort of lifestyle!

Anyway, hope to find something to keep me occupied besides my regular reading and other academic commitments. 

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