The readings of the day speak of the reason for the floods in the earliest of days, as narrated in the book of Genesis. God sees evil prevailing and wishes for a fresh start. In the Gospel of the day we see Jesus questioning the doubtful nature of mankind, even after witnessing his miraculous production of food for the thousands, from the little available.
What stands out for me in both these readings is the abundance that prevails in God's presence. Yahweh decides to destroy the earth, but he makes provision for life to replenish. He spares a human family and ensures that there is a pair of every living creature... that too a reproductive pair. Then Jesus brings out of the little bread and fish, the abundance of food for every person present on those different occasions.
As humans we often fail to see the abundance of goodness. We restrict our vision to the little and few. Nothing odd or bad about that perspective. Nonetheless, the Lord invites us to see and be part of the abundance that is bound to prevail, when in God's presence... Don Bosco's view of the Divine Providence!