
15 September 2008

Life in the fast lane...

Every trip to the airport reveals something interesting and amusing. So did my last trip last night. Normally the speed at which the vehicles fly past clearly indicates whether the passengers are taking off or going in to pick up someone. Those intending to pick up someone from the domestic side, and are known move not faster than the third gear! Then they have to stop a couple of times to clear the front glass. If there is no patrol van or officer, they stay put along the road side - only to move/drag on and halt a little ahead. But once their mobile phone rings, zoom they fly. Those on the other hand who have someone to board the flight, they just fly past - at times even over the speed breakers. Earlier there were a vast majority who would come to just see the airport! One could see large groups of families just flopping on to the pavement of the ramp to have their meal!!! It was just another picnic spot.

Then there is the whole kilometre long runway, even for vehicles going up the ramp to pick up someone! (The drive into the airport itself is 7 kms!) And to get on the ramp you have to pay - additional if you park. Most of the drivers, like me, do as much as possible to evade the parking fee - even if it means parking the vehicle along the highway outside the airport for hours at end.

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