As Jesus went about doing good, he reached the placed called Jopeth. Not so long ago, a deadly plague ravaged this whole area leaving behind a whole generation of people physically disfigured. Hence not very many visited this place and neither did the residents of this place venture out, too much. Some had their faces contorted, very many their limbs and some were total hunchbacks. Those who survived or recovered took care of the others who bore evident marks of this plague.
Hearing of Jesus passing through their place, quite a few people gathered to greet him in the town square. They listened attentively to what Jesus had to say about the Kingdom and of God's love and mercy. Very many of those who heard him, were happy not only because of what he said but also because here was a man who stayed on in their town centre without casting furtive looks about the townsfolk. He seemed in no hurry to get out of the place; neither did he flinch or show any sign of viewing any abnormality among the people.
Those who approached him for a cure, he gladly healed them, always with a smile and a kind word in the ear. Among them were two men, one with a withered hand and the other with a twisted leg. The former was rather poor and the latter quite well-to-do. When the man with the twisted leg was helped to reach Jesus, the latter asked him, "What do you want?" The man replied, "That I may walk by myself." Jesus asked him, "Why so? You seem to have enough people to help you go around. Why not ask for something else?" The man answered, "I know what a burden I am to my family and those who assist me. If I can manage my own affairs, all of these people too can do something more useful and assist someone else too. I too can help others, for since I have been struck, I have witnessed for myself the care and concern of so many." Jesus said, "Very well, then. Go on your way!" The man kissed Jesus' hand and turned around and walked home, all by himself!
The last one left in the square was the man with the withered hand. As he saw the man with the twisted leg get healed and walk on his own, he turned around and began to leave. Jesus noticed him and called out, "My friends, don't you have anything to ask?" The man approached Jesus and honestly said. "I don't think you have what I need." "And what would that be?" asked Jesus. "Some financial support." Jesus seemed puzzled. This is the first time someone asked him for some money (besides Judas!).

Noticing his limp hand, Jesus asked him, "Don't you want your hand to be healed? That, I can." The man replied, "I didn't come here for something as cheap as that. In a town where half of the folks live a life of physical deformity, my withered hand is no big issue. Back at home, I have a younger brother with a deformed hand, just like mine. What am I to tell him, if I go back with a good arm? However, I thought if you were to give me some gold coins or show a hidden treasure, I'd have enough resources to get people to take care of us both." Saying this, he walked away.
Jesus turned to his apostles and said, "The greatest treasure one can pass on to someone is not something outside of oneself, but reveal to one the grace and potential hidden within."
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. [Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles, Ch. 7, Section 3 (1992), p. 190].