
13 July 2008

Loving and doing what you love...well!

"Truly there is a certain love which comes from doing a job well." I remember that line from the book The Ultimate Gift by Jim Stovall. He had said it in the context of a young man taking up a job that he never thought - even in the wildest of his dreams - he would have to. He leaves the corporate world and seek solace and his feet in the natural setting of his ancestral farm. "When you can step back at the end of a long, hard day and watch the sun set over a straight and stong fence that you built yourself, you get the feeling that everything is right with the world."
I too share the same feeling as I sit and type these lines... though feeling sticky (did not take bath still)! Looking at the files I arranged - or rather, re-arranged in my office today, I somehow feel 'everything is well with the world'. Some say we should not squander our time in doing what others can do and stick on to that which others (those employed) cannot do. Well, I like to do things my way - even if it means, I end up doing it myself (not everything, but...mostly)!

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