
04 July 2008

Doctrine or relationship...?

This evening - my last one here in KJC, Bangalore - I was reading a book about rediscovering spirituality wherein there was a story narrated about a young man named Ian, who is in search of answers. Though a non-practicing Christian, he had a deep and sincere love for nature and in the process of pursuing his environmental studies begins to be plagued with questions to which he seeks answers. Some of his Hindu friends help him with what they believe in. He hunts a Sikh - seeing his turban! Till a day when questions about his own faith - one may call it so, the Christian faith - surface. His parents unable to answer him direct him to a minister in the Church. In all sincerity and innocence he meets the minister in the Church and pours out his heart to him. Just as he is about to pose the haunting questions, the minister in an indignant tone asks him, "Do you believe in Jesus Christ?" Ian, totally ignorant and perplexed about the question and finding no link between his love for nature and Jesus suddenly finds his meeting with the minister very uncomfortable. With formal goodbyes and thank yous they leave their places... the minister content that he has avoided a debate on Christianity and Ian distraught and scarred at this betrayal.

I know not what is more important: doctrine or relationship? But this I vouch for, doubt-discussed is more faith'ful' than doubt-avoided! Perhaps in our dealings with young people, we fear loosing the argument and hence shut them up saying 'This is it, we do not question everything' or 'There are things we do not doubt'. Why should one be worried about winning or losing the argument? (May be the ego is too inflated!) I feel it is better to talk it out than supress views, opinions, beliefs and arguments.

What ultimately the young look forward to is a listening ear and an understanding heart... answers are the least they expect from me. Listen to them, understand their views, offer a piece of advice - or better still share a personal experience - and most important of all, assure them of your assistance... let them know that they have a friend in you, no matter what! As for the answers, they will arrive in due time!

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