Lessons to learn: know your limits before you yourself get limited!
...random thoughts of one who intends to make himself useful to others and meaningful to oneself!
spent on religious functions, publication of religious literature and education of priests and preachers
Rs 737.28 crore has been spent for setting up religious schools and education of priests and preachers
A man found himself outside the gates of heaven with St Peter blocking his entrance to heaven for want of good deeds in his register of good deeds. The man thought for a while and told St Pete that he'd once given ten rupees to an old lady down the street. St Peter checked it out and found it to be true. However, in a dilemma as to let him or not, he asked St Michael for help. St Michael heard the whole story and then told St Peter, "Just give him twenty rupees and send him to hell!"
... If your child or family member was abducted today, if a mad man came in or a terrorist came in, abducted your family member or your child, and if I said to you, "I can bring your child home," does it matter how I bring him home?
I listened to my conscience and not some populist voice appeal.I stand to gain nothing from this and if anyone would think why so, would clearly understand that it is done for the railways and railways alone.I have only done my duty weighing the best options and in favour of the railways.What logic is it to weigh this decision of mine against me losing the chair? Nothing in politics is permanent. Tomorrow there will be someone who would do better than me. I only do what is best for the country.
Physical certitude is that which exists.
Essence is what it is and existence is what a thing is.
Fallen flowers cannot grow back on the tree; but new flowers can certainly grow. Life isn't about what you couldn't do so far, it is about what you still can.
There are two reasons why we do not trust people. First: we do not know them. Second: we know them!
Galileo Galilei proposed the Christo-centric theory. It said that the sun is the centre of the earth.
Religion is the opium of religion.
Unless he works hard he can't survive his family and himself.
Don't think of the few things that you didn't get from God after praying. Think of all those countless beautiful things He gave you without asking.
Blaise Pascal says that we should not make ourselves weak relying on someone else's love for us.XYZ (name of a senior year student) made himself weak when his friends loved him so much that they did his dissertation for him. He was made weak because he knew nothing of his paper.
The earthcock shook the earth. (he meant, earthquake!)
Doctor, shall I get a print out of my leg?Doctor, is a xerox necessary to know if it is fractured?