
16 January 2012

"Yo, man. What's up?"

I returned from my three week stay in Hyderabad just yesterday. Two weeks at home for holidays and a week of retreat at the Provincial house. Good to be back in the community. And I think last week was the first time that I stayed away from the net for so long in the past couple of years. However, I did put down my reflections and thoughts daily and I'd be posting them according to the dates proper.

Yesterday I participated in the Mass with Fr C. Thomas presiding. We were just the two of us, of course, besides the Lord! The speciality was the new missal and the new prayers and responses. Given the hullabaloo that surrounded its initiation and authorization, I thought there would be some major changes in the word and pattern. However there are not so many a changes in the pattern. Of course, a couple of phrases and words, moved about here and there. Being the first time, it was a bit odd to say things differently which I've been accustomed to say since my childhood. But then I said to myself, it is fine. What's the big deal in saying the prayer, if it helps in a better way. The reading of the day too offered a good insight. It was the first reading from the Book of Samuel wherein Eli teaches little Samuel to respond to Yahweh calling him. I was wondering, what if Eli told Samuel to respond differently than what is written in the Bible? Instead of telling Samuel to say, "Here I am Lord, your servant is listening" what is Eli had told him to respond, "Yo man, what's up? What's the deal?" I don't think the Lord would have abandoned Samuel and gone after somebody else. God too would have responded in a similar manner.

Language after all is the bridge of communication. What matter most importantly is the relationship.

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