
02 January 2012

In the new year at a new place

What better way to begin the postings for the new year than to do it about and from home... still enjoying my annual holidays with my people at home. The last two days we were all at our new farm house (about 72 kms) from here. It is a 3.3 acre plot bought and being developed by my brother. It is more for a farm and a sort of relaxation than any business or building. As of now it has been furnished with a two room house and with plenty of fruit plants, mostly mango. The past two days were spent in clearing up and tidying the place - as much as possible. For posterity sake, I clicked a few photos of the family, especially my nephew, Chris.

The following ones are the best of the lot...
That's our new 'gardener' watering the plants... or rather everything but the plant!
This was just after the Nataraja's dance! He accidently landed in a bit of slush and with his feet all dirty, he had to be 'air-lifted' to be cleansed!

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