
24 August 2009

How about CTA?

Got another passport off my hands today!! With all the experience I am gaining in getting and putting together and processing the visa for our confreres going abroad, I might very well open a travel agency! How about CTA? Castilino Travel Agency!!! Anyway, just one more invitation letter to arrive and all that process to go through and with that this years' 'travel agency' work will be done with - hopefully. Doing all this is so tricky, you never know what can go wrong, where things can get delayed or for what reason things are not moving. Amidst dealing with the inviting group, the travel agency, the Bishop's house and all the other nitty-grities, there are the confreres themselves. They hear all sort of things they want to know about their trip/stay and then ask me for confirmation of what they hear, as though I was born and brought up there. Whatever be the case, all this gives me enough work, that I am sure of!

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