
07 January 2011

The Mission

Tonight I screened the movie The Mission for the Brothers in the Seminary. I watched the movie several years ago and I still find it very gripping. The fact that it is based on a true incident adds greater depth to the message it delivers and the way it is portrayed. The double standards of Christianity are very bluntly portrayed and so is the true missionary fervour of a handful. Values like courage, redemption, repentance, patience, simplicity, communion, sacrifice and zeal are beautifully portrayed.

Most of all, I hope the Brothers as they watch it, learn from it that when the word 'mission' is used, it does not begin and end with 'preaching the word of God'. There is more to it than mere 'proclamation' - to be read as sermonizing. I hope they see that being a missionary means living for His people and not just making a living in His name!

A true missionary is one who is filled with the Spirit of God and out of genuine love for God and His people, willing to put up with any difficulty and is ready to go to any extent to stand by His people.

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