Today's highlight was the commentary before the offertory: "... when wheat is FLOORED and grapes are CURSED..." Now you know how the host and wine are prepared! As easy as that!
...random thoughts of one who intends to make himself useful to others and meaningful to oneself!
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.
A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle.However, since then I am wondering which is right: What is my commitment to? A principle or a person? Both have their drawbacks as well as advantages for the same reasons. And so I'm wondering as to what or on whom should I lay the foundation of my life?
One day at the age of 12, when he threw his new cap into the mud his father Jacob Freud insulted and shouted at him to get of the pavement, You Jew! Thus, he almost collapsed his hope to be a Jew. Since he was differentiated by religion, he lost his hope to be a Jew, got aversion to religion, and stood against religion.
Sigmund Freud's father was Jacob Freud. When his father passed away, he remarried again. Jossop Freud second marriage was to a very young lady.
Traditions confined to written words can easily become something to be learned instead of lived: a statement, constitution, or code of conduct, rather than a way of life. (112)Furthermore he adds:
In earlier days in Africa when agreements were made between colonial settlers and the nonwriting local inhabitants, these were written down as treaties signed by the Europeans, to which the African chief signified agreement by making a cross, or touching the pen, as a sort of sacrament, the written word carrying more weight than the spoken word. But there was and still can be a major difference between "a piece of paper" and what is "written on a person's heart." "Accepting" something does not necessarily mean "experiencing" something, just as "believing" a theology does not mean "living" a theology. (111)
Oral tradition and oral theology carry a deeper and wider experience from one person to another than written words can describe or convey, and it is the meaning, the experience of a culture that has to be mediated, not a form of words. Oral tradition, whether of custom, law or theology, carries with it the living experience of those who express it. (111)
Expressing vision and values in words, putting faith, hope, and love into sentences, can be restrictive. (111)
If you cannot use anything atleast use your brain.
Instead of rejoicing you would do better to weep: for this gold will cause our country to be soaked in blood.My conviction that money is the bane of our apostolate gets confirmed every now and then. So I wouldn't shy from saying this to whoever concerned, especially those fervently looking forward to extra financial resources with no clear plan or intention of using it.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu shattered an interfaith audience in the Johannesburg suburb of Lenasia in 1993 by saying that God was not a Christian. "Why do you seem surprised?" he asked. "Jesus was born only two thousand years ago. Do you think God was doing nothing before that?" [Mayson, Cedric Why Africa Matters (New York: Orbis Books, 2010) 21.]Perhaps there is something here to reflect about Christianity and its 'claim' concerning religious pluralism.