I've realised one thing about flying kites...
Flying kites all by myself, with the whole terrace free and peaceful is a great joy. But flying kites with children, that's an adventure!!
The last couple of days I've been flying kites with a couple of our resident staff and their children... gosh, it is all confusion. Forget about the kites swooping down from up above, of the neighbours, coming down to clash with mine, there are a hundred other kites and threads running all across. While I managed to cut half-a-dozen of the kites in the skies, I lost two (the only two I lost) ... thanks to the kids around me who keep running around with the kites in hand and entangling every bit of thread.
Then there are some of these whom you have to constantly keep an eye on. Take your eye off them for a millisecond and you'll see them next on a ladder climber higher on the water tank, or trying to reach for the branch of a tree from the parapet of the terrace or scaling the solar panels!!!
Then there are kids who, while flying one kite, see another cut one flying kilometers away happily leave this kite in hand and run (mind you, we're on the terrace of a building!) to try and catch that cut kite!Nonetheless, of the two options of flying kites alone or with others, I'd still prefer the latter!