
25 February 2009

Lent - beginning afresh!

Attending the Mass this evening had its own benefits! Was re-reminded about the beginning of Lent and the triple practices typical of this festive season: fasting, prayer and almsgiving.

So this season, I said to myself, I'll fast from sweets! I really am addicted to them. That would be a real penance for me. Even now as I type these few lines, my hands are itching to grab one sweet from my table drawer! As for prayer and almsgiving, I decide to get back to my regular personal prayer (something I've almost given up!) and 'give' time to people, especially on Sundays.

Now here's what strengthened my resolve to hold back from grabbing the sweet:
So resolve to fast more. Try giving up a meal once a week to start with. Fast on bread and water if you must eat. Then start to keep Fridays as a fast day. Not just the ‘fish on Friday’ thing, but really fasting for a whole day.

You’ll be amazed how it transforms your life. You’ll be back in control. If you can control your food intake you’ll soon have better control of the other appetites in your life that are running away with your soul.

And when you’ve done that, you're on the way to cooperating with God for the salvation of souls and victory over evil in ways you could never have imagined.

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