
03 February 2009

Brooms and the cell phone

The way we have advanced is really astounding. The latest and the most phenomenal growth - or increase, one can call it - is in the number of cell phone users. Everyone, beginning from the Manager of the company to the sweeper, has one - if not two!!

I bought some soft brooms today for the house. And after making the payment to the fellow who had come home to sell the brooms, I wrote out a voucher for him to sign. First he told me he does not know to sign, by the time I wrote out the voucher, he was ready to sign! In the meantime I watched him fiddle with his cell phone from the corner of my eye. I said to myself, what days, even a broom seller who is totally illiterate has a cell phone. Soon he was beside me ready to 'sign'. I handed him the pen and he diligently set out to 'draw' his name, looking at his cell phone.

I was amazed at his ability to 'write'! He certainly was no literate - our conversation after this revealed it. Yet he knew to make the most of what he had in his hands - brooms and the cell phone! Later in the day I received a mail in Italian. This time I was illiterate! But I was prepared. I merely copied the text, pasted it in 'google translate' and clicked 'translate'. Bingo!! I had the English version - not perfect, but very much understandable!

Now that's what I call, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush! Not necessary to have all the luxuries of the world to enjoy life. Just have the will to make the most of life and you'll have the necessary things!!

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