
26 June 2011

Food as Eucharist (2)

Jesus' institution of the Eucharist, as food and drink... a memorial tool of Himself had evolved over the centuries. What Jesus really intended was a community celebration of oneness and thanksgiving for the graces received. What better time to do this than at a meal: every member of the family is there, it is a happy occasion, it comes everyday (more than once)...

From the initial fellowship meal where the bread (and word) was broken and shared, we have moved on a long way. Beginning with the initial abuse of the bread (in different ways, some even mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, itself) to this day's celebration of the same around an altar with all the regalia, we have somehow tried to preserve the sacredness of the same. The effort has been to make this as occasion that stands out and is used for its intended purpose. But I ask myself: Does the Eucharistic celebration really help me 'remember Him', does it really 'nourish' me, is it something that I 'do in His memory'? Granted that at a community/family meal there are too many other things, 'distractions' that prevent me from rightfully acknowledging God's gracious presence in the person of Jesus, but it is precisely for this reason that the Holy Mass has been carved out. Do I really use this 'specially tailored moment' to 'remember Him'?

I must acknowledge that most often Mass is just another activity in my daily list. I wish and pray that I become more involved in Mass and that the Eucharistic sense pervade all my day! Help me, Lord!

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