This day's session during the Social Communication meeting concluded with me ending up more confused than with any clear ideas about the "Centres of Communication". As I still battle it out, I tried to find out what exactly was our focus on, in debating the whole issue about the identity and mission of the Communication Centres. Perhaps each centre has its own identity and mission; at times quite different from the one the Congregation expects such a centre to have. Whatever be the case, there is much good being done. If only we are a little more open and serious about the real purpose of communication, much more could be achieved.
The three days meeting (so far) has taught me one thing: people are different and they think differently. But even among those who are like-minded, concerns differ. There are those who have grand ideas but no practical knowledge of how to go about materialising those ideas. There are others who have all the money in the world but no brains to put it to the best use possible (neither the sense to invest it rightly)! Then there are some who have neither money nor ideas, but tons of enthusiasm and are willing to pour out every ounce of themselves for any opportunity to do good (These guys do not have a vision themselves but goodwill). Very few though have a vision, a foresight by which they pick and choose their individual deeds; so as to arrive at that final goal they envision all along. There are a few others who have a few ideas, no money, no big support but good will and the eagerness to do what they can, to the best of their ability; money or no money, they do what they can, in the best way possible to them.
Of the many things Fr Fili said in the past two days, I liked his insistence on setting our sight clearly on the poor young; being communicators does not grant us an exception to that. What, how, where we do, ought to be guided by the 'Why?' of our Profession/commitment - or is it 'WHO'? I would think it is the latter. The passion to do something will have a greater meaning and relevance when it is for someone (young people/Don Bosco/God...).
...random thoughts of one who intends to make himself useful to others and meaningful to oneself!
28 October 2009
27 October 2009
Multiplication of 'holidays'
Jesus saw a great multitude and felt pity for them. When it became late, his disciples came to him and said: Lord, dismiss the people, it is already late and they have no time. Jesus said: Give them your own time. They said: We ourselves have no time, and the little we have, what is that for such an immense crowd? Jesus said: Let us see how much time you have. One said that he had an afternoon free, another could spare ten minutes, another looked in his diary and found 3 half hours unoccupied. Jesus said: Give all that time to me. And he looked up to heaven and thanked his Father and blessed all the time they had given him and told them to distribute all that time among the people. And they did so. And everybody received a portion of time, and the little they received was enough for everybody, and at the end they still had 12 days extra, enough for a nice holiday.
[This one is from Fr John Lens sdb, a senior Salesian from the Province of Hyderabad]
[This one is from Fr John Lens sdb, a senior Salesian from the Province of Hyderabad]
26 October 2009
The yeast of Social Communication
I write this sitting in a hall where an intense debate rages on about the restructuring and animation of the Department of the Mission (Youth Ministry, Mission and Social Communication). At this moment we find ourselves talking about the need of a Youth Pastoral team/leader who would coordinate the activities of the various commissions. He would pool together the resources of independent, charismatic and dynamic individuals (who may not even be part of any commission) and carry them forward using his 'official clout'. Fr Julian kept asking where does the one in charge of Social Communications fit in, in this whole process. For me, 'he is there' with his team, at the service of all the commissions. He (Communication) is like the yeast mixed in the flour and baked. After the bread is ready, if one were to ask where did the yeast go, none would be able to singularly identify it. But if not for the yeast, the baked product would be anything but bread. The yeast is the Communication department and the bread is the mission. And for whom is the 'bread'? For the poor young!
25 October 2009
Energising a movement
Fr Anchukandam Thomas, the Salesian Provincial of Bangalore (INK) and the SPCSA representative, in his goodnight to the participants of the South Asia Communication Meeting, shed new light on the Strenna 2010 of the Rector Major (of making the Salesian Family a movement). He said that, in order to make this envisaged movement an efficient reality five essential features need to be strengthened: the centrality of the person, the intended/proposed programme, the effective and vibrant communication of them both, the consistency (between the person and the programme proposed) and the necessity of getting significant people, related to realizing this goal, on board.
I found this synthetic procedure quite precise and appealing may be because it primarily challenges each confrere to take responsibility for the movement.
I found this synthetic procedure quite precise and appealing may be because it primarily challenges each confrere to take responsibility for the movement.
Interchanging Bartemeus and Jesus
Even today, of all days, I was distracted during the Holy Mass - the reading of the Gospel, to be specific. The Gospel was about Bartemeus calling on Jesus to grant him his sight. While Fr KJ Louis beautifully shared that it was more about insight than mere sight, I had another "insight": Then, it was Bartemeus who was calling on the Lord - and the Lord heard him (in spite of all the noise around!). Then all that happened is recorded in the Gospel of Mark.
My distraction began the moment I playfully interchanged Jesus and Bartemeus... Imagine Jesus sitting down along the road and asking us, passing by, to reach out to him. What would Bartemeus do? Would he, in all his 'well being', hear the plea of Jesus, the 'lesser being'? Even if he did hear the cry, would Bartemeus reach out?
Today I think it is the Lord himself who is calling out, asking us to reach out to him - in the poor, the marginalised, the down-trodden and those stripped of their basic human dignity. Reminds me of Abraham Joshua Heschel and his idea of 'God in search of man'!
My distraction began the moment I playfully interchanged Jesus and Bartemeus... Imagine Jesus sitting down along the road and asking us, passing by, to reach out to him. What would Bartemeus do? Would he, in all his 'well being', hear the plea of Jesus, the 'lesser being'? Even if he did hear the cry, would Bartemeus reach out?
Today I think it is the Lord himself who is calling out, asking us to reach out to him - in the poor, the marginalised, the down-trodden and those stripped of their basic human dignity. Reminds me of Abraham Joshua Heschel and his idea of 'God in search of man'!
23 October 2009
Thinking outside the box
I met Ms Mukti at her office, Healing fields, this afternoon. Fr Noel had cleverly passed on his offer to me to be part of a panel she was assembling for a study she intends to carry out. This is the first time that I got to be part of a networking team, outside the Salesian circles. Listening to the various people who were part of this team (seven of us from varying fields: one is an advocate, one lady is a senior professor in Osmania university, another an expert on health and nutrition...) was an experience in itself. In the beginning I thought I'd only have time to pick up words and get used to the jargon. But I am happy I was able to see things a bit differently perhaps since I was the only one not directly into the theme under discussion: health care and research study.
The day's experience was another confirmation of the need to think and see 'beyond the box'! The ideas and insights that emerge from different quarters are at times so refreshing that they change the whole line of thought and lead one to avenues otherwise thought to be non-existent.
The day's experience was another confirmation of the need to think and see 'beyond the box'! The ideas and insights that emerge from different quarters are at times so refreshing that they change the whole line of thought and lead one to avenues otherwise thought to be non-existent.
The thrill of being a human
It has been long since that I'm trying to learn the art of bi-location; however am yet to master it. I guess till then I'll have to work it out 'alone'. There are times I envy the angels: no body, no time, no space, no boundaries... anytime, anywhere, anyhow! But there are times also when I pity them. I don't think they ever get to feel the thrill of chasing a train from the entrance of the railway station to the last platform or making it to an urgent meeting in the nick of time. The grace of getting stuck in traffic for four hours is exclusively of Hyderabadi people. I guess all this is possible precisely because we are human beings... mortal, limited, imperfect and finite.
I remember reading long ago in the book titled When bad things happen to good people (by Harold Kushner) the statement he makes referring to Homer's Odyssey: Calypso (the immortal sea nymph) envies Ulysses because he is a mortal. His life becomes meaningful, every decision significant, and life filled with real choices, precisely because his time is bound. So why rue over the fact that we are not capable and limited and small. It is precisely that we are so, that makes us special - that in spite of all these we do quite well. I guess it is a great and thrilling challenge to be a human; as angels I guess life will be quite boring with no worthy challenges at all!
I remember reading long ago in the book titled When bad things happen to good people (by Harold Kushner) the statement he makes referring to Homer's Odyssey: Calypso (the immortal sea nymph) envies Ulysses because he is a mortal. His life becomes meaningful, every decision significant, and life filled with real choices, precisely because his time is bound. So why rue over the fact that we are not capable and limited and small. It is precisely that we are so, that makes us special - that in spite of all these we do quite well. I guess it is a great and thrilling challenge to be a human; as angels I guess life will be quite boring with no worthy challenges at all!
22 October 2009
Straying into sense!
As I began correcting the 'Introduction to Philosophy' answer papers of our Brothers from Karunapuram, I had some good fun today. You never know how some of them come up with certain crazy ideas or interpret something as simple as plain names and places! I remembered what a lay person once told about correcting answer papers of seminarians: "I scrutinize the papers very minutely for you never know when the students stray into sense!"
21 October 2009
The two ways of being a Salesian
Here's a reflection of Fr Lens on the two forms of Salesian life, to which I fully agree. Most often this is what I tell my fellow Salesians, especially those who are appointed for vocation camps and orientation:
If you meet boys, don't ask them: Do you want to be a priest? (If they do, refer them to the Seminary). Ask them: Are you willing to make your life fruitful in the service of poor boys - save their souls and their bodies? Does Don Bosco's mission appeal to you? Then come, and afterwards you will learn which way is yours in the marvellous Salesian society.
If you meet boys, don't ask them: Do you want to be a priest? (If they do, refer them to the Seminary). Ask them: Are you willing to make your life fruitful in the service of poor boys - save their souls and their bodies? Does Don Bosco's mission appeal to you? Then come, and afterwards you will learn which way is yours in the marvellous Salesian society.
20 October 2009
A holiday from money and finances
Today I saw another dimension of the havoc money - excess of it or irresponsible accounting of it - creates in communities. Listening to the growing dissent among confreres and people and all involved when it comes to finances, I am convinced that half of our life and energies is spend on finance related matters. At times I feel, there should be some 'retreat' period declared by the Rector Major about money and funds. Just declare that for a month (atleast), there would be no discussion or debate or argument about money, funds and allocation and anything related to it - have nothing to do with finance! Just let us all take a holiday from counting money and dancing round it and go and be with the boys. No need of planning and constructing large mansions or putting up industries. Let's just live a simple life with those for whom we promised the last drop of our blood and breath of our life.
A holiday from money and finances
Today I saw another dimension of the havoc money - excess of it or irresponsible accounting of it - creates in communities. Listening to the growing dissent among confreres and people and all involved when it comes to finances, I am convinced that half of our life and energies is spend on finance related matters. At times I feel, there should be some 'retreat' period declared by the Rector Major about money and funds. Just declare that for a month (atleast), there would be no discussion or debate or argument about money, funds and allocation and anything related to it - have nothing to do with finance! Just let us all take a holiday from counting money and dancing round it and go and be with the boys. No need of planning and constructing large mansions or putting up industries. Let's just live a simple life with those for whom we promised the last drop of our blood and breath of our life.
19 October 2009
Salesians without youth...
I came across this very interesting news bit titled Beggars banned from churches in Assisi, Italy. It begins thus: "BEGGARS have been banned within 500m of churches in Assisi, Italy. And it's now illegal to feed the pigeons in the town square. You wonder what Francis of Assisi would have thought of that..." It really sounds so jarring! After all that St Francis stood for, we hear of this right in his hometown. I suppose authorities have a valid reason for it; but is it good enough reason to 'ban'? Sometimes I fear this may get replicated in our Salesian houses too. Comments and instructions which sometime term our collaborators as "those people" and youngsters as "nuisance" are quite disparaging. That some places/times we do not make the first move to interact with the young is bad enough; worse is when young people run away from us (either because we always find fault with them or because we are too out of sync with their ideas, opinions and values).
17 October 2009
Who is my neighbour?
You write in Latin script
but numbers are Arabic
Democracy is Greek
You swear by German cars
but your stereo is Japanese
Pizza comes from Italy
and coffee comes from Brazil
Santa Claus was born in Turkey
We take our holidays in Spain
cannot afford to go to Costa Rica
The best cheese is from Holland
Your tools are made in England
We go to a Chinese restaurant
to enjoy Indian curry
with Cola, that’s American
Lord Jesus was a Jew
my carpet comes from Persia
… but my neighbour, who is he?
but numbers are Arabic
Democracy is Greek
You swear by German cars
but your stereo is Japanese
Pizza comes from Italy
and coffee comes from Brazil
Santa Claus was born in Turkey
We take our holidays in Spain
cannot afford to go to Costa Rica
The best cheese is from Holland
Your tools are made in England
We go to a Chinese restaurant
to enjoy Indian curry
with Cola, that’s American
Lord Jesus was a Jew
my carpet comes from Persia
… but my neighbour, who is he?
[Thanks to Fr Lens who sent me this.... he says he copied it from some magazine!]
15 October 2009
Vocations from within
Today I am at Ravulapalem (school, boarding, parish, social service centre...). Had an adventurous journey from DB, Sanathanagar last night... missed the train (thanks to the Hyderabad traffic) and then got a bus straight to Ravulapalem. During the school break I took a walk towards the school but never managed to reach it as so many boys and girls came forward to say 'hello'. I wondered how they knew me. Then they reminded me that I gave a good night last year. They remembered also my name and what I said then: 'That I'm a happy Salesian Brother!!' Wow that's quite a memory for these kids. But I sincerely hope and try that more of these boys (those in the boarding) join the seminary and become Salesians.
When we live and share our lives with these boys living with us, why hesitate to invite them to join us? That will be a challenge because we will then have to prove our life and mission worthy enough, at least of a try! And that's what I intend to advocate in the coming Chapter too: Vocations from each of our own setting.
When we live and share our lives with these boys living with us, why hesitate to invite them to join us? That will be a challenge because we will then have to prove our life and mission worthy enough, at least of a try! And that's what I intend to advocate in the coming Chapter too: Vocations from each of our own setting.
A day at DB, Sanathanagar
Yesterday I was in Don Bosco School, Sanathanagar, my alma mater. Since I had the time I took a walk around the campus and every step I took flooded my mind with lovely memories of my school days. The dogs kennel with those ferocious dogs (now there are dogs, and ferocious ones too - but that's only a daschund!) Then there were the German Shepherds. To get past them to the Rabbits place was a great thrill!! Some of us would not get past the dogs kennel for fear they would pounce on us thorugh the grill!!! Then the rabbits place - now no more. There was down below the place, along the compound wall in the corner, Fr Lens' vegetable garden. Now there is the BIE building. Then the bus driver's quarters where my best friend Seby lived. Now it's all abandoned.
There still runs the canteen. But it's not the same with Paddu and his people in it. I also made it a point to show to Willy and Roshni the sapling that I planted with Fr James and our whole gang. Of course, it is now a huge tree, right at the entrance of the school on the playground edge.
Then watching the boys and girls run around playing games, I too was tempted to join them and kick the football and shoot some baskets... But was weary of spoiling my clothes as I had to travel in a couple of hours! What a pity!! I also met some of my teachers: Susamma, Mr Ravindran, Ms Grace, Jovita, Jennifer, Pushpa... it was good. Moreover to hear from them about the school was another experience.
Best was the walk I took down the road to say hello to Papa at home. I just spent a couple of minutes but it was great. To top it all was the serious discussion I had with Willy and Roshni in the school grounds just before I drafted the final report of the Visiatation.
There still runs the canteen. But it's not the same with Paddu and his people in it. I also made it a point to show to Willy and Roshni the sapling that I planted with Fr James and our whole gang. Of course, it is now a huge tree, right at the entrance of the school on the playground edge.
Then watching the boys and girls run around playing games, I too was tempted to join them and kick the football and shoot some baskets... But was weary of spoiling my clothes as I had to travel in a couple of hours! What a pity!! I also met some of my teachers: Susamma, Mr Ravindran, Ms Grace, Jovita, Jennifer, Pushpa... it was good. Moreover to hear from them about the school was another experience.
Best was the walk I took down the road to say hello to Papa at home. I just spent a couple of minutes but it was great. To top it all was the serious discussion I had with Willy and Roshni in the school grounds just before I drafted the final report of the Visiatation.
13 October 2009
About being clean...
The Gospel passage I heard this morning, that of Jesus calling on the Pharisees to clean the interior as well as the exterior, reminded me of what Fr VV Paul (Shillong) once shared during class hours. Vendors walking in and out of trains selling all sorts of things ... and people purchasing these is a common phenomenon on Indian trains. Most often those who purchase groundnuts, keep dropping the empty shells on the train floor itself. Then there are those street boys, those who live on the railway platforms, who come around sweeping the compartments. Now these boys are always kept at a distance because they do the 'dirty job' of cleaning the compartments. Fr VV Paul's observation was an interesting one: Those who dirty the place claim to be clean and those who clean the place are branded dirty!
12 October 2009
Interesting quotes...
Words and language...
He is frighteningly polite, and a genial sadist.Pradeep Sebastian speaking about Christoph Waltz (who plays Colonel Hans Landa) in a review about Inglorious Basterds.
I do not want to be late going nowhere to do nothing! (Croc-comic strip)
Vital few and the trivial many
The Kolkata Knots issue of July-August 2009 has an interesting article by Br PO Jose...
It is about the Pareto Principle (named after Vilfred Pareto, an Italian economist) that speaks about the vital few and the trivial many. Paretos' rule states that a small number of causes are responsible for a large percentage of the effect, in a ration of about 20:80. expressed in a management context, 20% of a person's effort generates 80% of the person's results. For the effective use of one's resources, the leader's challenge is to distinguish the right 20% from the trivial many.That's an interesting insight! Thanks Br Jose!
11 October 2009
History outside the archives (2)
Last night was 'enlightenment' night - only it was anything but good!! Talking to a friend late last night, helped me 'see' things in such a new and different light, that it changed my whole perspective of what is currently going on in the Province. There were several incidents and things that I was a witness to. All seemingly simple and innocent. I saw or heard them and never gave it a thought. But last night's conversation gave me one small insight and gosh! - I now see how all of it is connected and that too so intricately. Now to really 'record' that as history outside the archives is something I cannot do here. But I certainly will ... sometime, someday!
As I lay on bed saying my final prayer for the day, I could not but admire God for the miracle of religious life and sanctity. That in spite of such murky and sinister religious politics, religious life and the Church still do exist - That's a real miracle. But my last prayer was not for the misguided ones, I prayed rather for those who throw themselves in for God and His people, mindless of what the outcome is. Greater are those who continue doing the best they ever can, in spite of knowing all the scams that are going on around them - and knowing well that the ones they love and respect are also involved in this. Having done their best to show them the light - and failed - they continue doing the good they can do. To have that serenity and focus of strength and power is indeed a great gift.
God bless them all and may their tribe increase!
As I lay on bed saying my final prayer for the day, I could not but admire God for the miracle of religious life and sanctity. That in spite of such murky and sinister religious politics, religious life and the Church still do exist - That's a real miracle. But my last prayer was not for the misguided ones, I prayed rather for those who throw themselves in for God and His people, mindless of what the outcome is. Greater are those who continue doing the best they ever can, in spite of knowing all the scams that are going on around them - and knowing well that the ones they love and respect are also involved in this. Having done their best to show them the light - and failed - they continue doing the good they can do. To have that serenity and focus of strength and power is indeed a great gift.
God bless them all and may their tribe increase!
10 October 2009
History outside the archives
This morning I put down in black and white an idea which has been floating in my mind since long. I proposed this idea to the novices (through a letter) and I hope something will emerge out of it. It is all about gathering the bits and pieces of history that officially does not get recorded. These are seemingly insignificant events, circumstances, decisions or happenings of the past that often get lost in the sands of time - yet, somehow they do have a very important role to play in shaping history. These bits and pieces are known to all but not officially noted and hence with the passage of time, they are lost. Slowly History is 'made' - bereft of certain key elements/truths. Moreover, these are very interesting and enriching pieces of information, which are capable of shading recorded history in a totally new colour.
One such piece: It was Fr Muthalakhuzhiyil Sebastian who really started what is today known as PARA, in Ravulapalem. To have a social outreach programme was his brainchild and his initiative too. Of course, it took a formal and more reputed shape in years to come, but he did have this social bent then. This year PARA celebrates its '80 seasons of journeying with the Dalit bahujans of Konaseema' and this fact needs to be made known and Fr Sebastian's contribution duly acknowledged.
To my fortune, this evening there was a call from Fr Maliekal and while clarifying with him something I picked up a phrase which describes this sort of research perfectly: 'History outside the archives'.
One such piece: It was Fr Muthalakhuzhiyil Sebastian who really started what is today known as PARA, in Ravulapalem. To have a social outreach programme was his brainchild and his initiative too. Of course, it took a formal and more reputed shape in years to come, but he did have this social bent then. This year PARA celebrates its '80 seasons of journeying with the Dalit bahujans of Konaseema' and this fact needs to be made known and Fr Sebastian's contribution duly acknowledged.
To my fortune, this evening there was a call from Fr Maliekal and while clarifying with him something I picked up a phrase which describes this sort of research perfectly: 'History outside the archives'.
Fr Lens' dictionary
Fr Lens has an Italian-English dictionary which he uses when he is unsure of the translation or for better options. It is a museum piece!! I think the white ants once had an overnight party on it... the rest is imaginable! The cover however is rock solid - I think it was re'covered' later. Anyhow, it was given to him by his theology professor Fr Zampetti while he did his Theological studies in Shillong (1950-1953). Fr Zampetti was also a member of the Roman Rota of Marriage, so says Fr Lens. I forgot to take a photo of that dictionary the last time I met him; but I'll get a snap of it soon.
Never give up!
Just a while ago as I tried to shoo the little one away from the verandah (I feared it might get trampled upon) into the garden, it suddenly flew onto my arm. Wow!! I luckily had the camera in hand, perhaps just for this.
09 October 2009
First flight...
Hope they come around again, every season. They are safe here!! There are a couple of more nests and I can hear the twitter...
08 October 2009
Praying and staying together: Parish Community
Yesterday evening, being the feast of the Holy Rosary, we prayed the Rosary together with the staff of the house. It reminded me of those old days when the Parish was smaller and our Chapel served as the Parish Church. There used to be lot of life then. Being a small community, interaction was at a deeper and friendly level. The month of May used to be special. Being fervent devotees of Mother Mary, the whole family used to come every evening to the Provincial house for the Rosary and Mass. As Brothers some of us used to take turns to animate the services. The summer camp then, though only for 10-15 children, was a full time work. And I am glad that those children, now young men and women, some of them even married and with their own children, do remember those days with great joy and pride. At times when they meet me they narrate of incidents which I hardly remember; but for them, they are as vivid as yesterday!
The most surprising and happiest of all "metamorphosis" is that of Franco. He was most uncouth and indisciplined of the lot. Today he is such a refined guy that I can hardly believe my eyes every time I meet him. I think his wife, Radhika has a big role in his change for the better. Whatever be the case, I truly am happy for all of them. The only guy who still seems to be searching for his identity is Laddu. Hope he settles down fast, especially to the satisfaction and consolation of his aging mother.
The most surprising and happiest of all "metamorphosis" is that of Franco. He was most uncouth and indisciplined of the lot. Today he is such a refined guy that I can hardly believe my eyes every time I meet him. I think his wife, Radhika has a big role in his change for the better. Whatever be the case, I truly am happy for all of them. The only guy who still seems to be searching for his identity is Laddu. Hope he settles down fast, especially to the satisfaction and consolation of his aging mother.
07 October 2009
Not just charity
Yesterday's surprise was hard enough - the one regarding the Provincial house staff pooling in 30 kgs of rice for the flood victims. Today I learnt another fact about the same generosity: the rice that they are putting aside for the victims is the best they have. While they have decided to send this across to those who have nothing, they themselves are going to eat the cheap ration rice. For me that is something really humbling! Had they kept aside the ration rice, it would have been understandable for me; but no, they are giving the best they have, choosing to make a sacrifice to eat the cheaper quality rice themselves.
That's true generosity - giving while it hurts.
That's true generosity - giving while it hurts.
Nathan takes off...
The last but one for the year is flying off in a couple of hours. I'm dropping him off at the airport myself! Believe me, there is nothing more irritating and time consuming than getting the passport and visa and all that related stuff!! It's horrible! Anyway, with Nathan taking off, his episode too comes to an end. Poor guy had to wait three months for his passport and then another one month for the invitation letter and then another month for the visa!!! While his batch-mates are already in their respective communities in Rome - after having spent three full weeks learning Italian in one place - Nathan joins his community almost two months after their departure.
Luckily, he never nagged me. I know very well that he was very anxious and with neither me nor the travel agent assuring him of anything definite, it must have been very agonising for him. However, he never irritated me. For that I am really, really grateful to him. Hope and pray that he gets acclimatized well in Florence and also later for his theology.
Luckily, he never nagged me. I know very well that he was very anxious and with neither me nor the travel agent assuring him of anything definite, it must have been very agonising for him. However, he never irritated me. For that I am really, really grateful to him. Hope and pray that he gets acclimatized well in Florence and also later for his theology.
06 October 2009
Waiting and walking...
We spend our days waiting for the ideal path to appear in front of us. But what we forget is that paths are made by walking, not by waiting.I think this quote is from Robin Sharma's book, Who will cry when you die?
Fr PE Abraham
Fr PE Abraham is with us for the past two days. Interacting with him, we are more and more convinced that he is quite deaf!! As Fr TV casually but rightly pointed out, he has run out on steam! Though it is very comical to listen to him answer something totally different from what is asked of him, at times I feel bad. To see what age can make of one so dynamic and vibrant... ! But he still has the same tenacity: he wouldn't let go off anything that he is interested in... come what may!
On the one hand, I totally disagree with all that he has to say about 'mission' and everything related to it. But on the other, I wonder how on earth did he make this sudden swing from being a grass-rooter to an 'evangeliser'. I have heard several people speak greatly of him as the Principal of Sacred Heart, Tirupattur. The fact that that college made a decisive turn for the poor and dalit people in the early 60s and 70s is all attributed to his intervention and action, especially as the Principal.
However as of now, it is more annoying than entertaining with him around. But I think for all that he has been, he deserves better, especially from me.
On the one hand, I totally disagree with all that he has to say about 'mission' and everything related to it. But on the other, I wonder how on earth did he make this sudden swing from being a grass-rooter to an 'evangeliser'. I have heard several people speak greatly of him as the Principal of Sacred Heart, Tirupattur. The fact that that college made a decisive turn for the poor and dalit people in the early 60s and 70s is all attributed to his intervention and action, especially as the Principal.
However as of now, it is more annoying than entertaining with him around. But I think for all that he has been, he deserves better, especially from me.
Misplaced priorities and floods
With practically the whole of Vijayawada under water, it is quite a tragedy. However amidst all this confusion, uncertainty and sorrow, there is also the sincere eagerness of people to help out. My thoughts of helping never went beyond posting news and keeping people informed about the latest happenings; but this morning, I was surprised to hear that our Provincial house staff members had already moved into action. Each of them has already kept ready 30 kgs of rice to be pooled together and sent to the flood-affected people. For me that was a real surprise.
On the other hand, as I called up confreres to see if things are all fine and how are they faring amidst this natural calamity, I sense a sort of laid-back attitude... something that arises from a feeling of plenty. In other words, 'thank God, I'm safe.' That's all. While I very well know that people all around are struggling, literally for their basic needs, some of our confreres talk only of the Rector Major's fund and relief fund... all about money!
God help us see...!!
On the other hand, as I called up confreres to see if things are all fine and how are they faring amidst this natural calamity, I sense a sort of laid-back attitude... something that arises from a feeling of plenty. In other words, 'thank God, I'm safe.' That's all. While I very well know that people all around are struggling, literally for their basic needs, some of our confreres talk only of the Rector Major's fund and relief fund... all about money!
God help us see...!!
05 October 2009
Of mobiles and laptops
Last night some of us went for a movie in a theatre nearby (not worth mentioning anything more about the movie, though!). What caught my attention was the interval scene which unfolded all around me. Just when the lights came on for the interval, I found everyone around me, literally everyone, had their cell phones in hand! To my surprise, I found my hand too in my pocket reaching for the cell phone!! It took a while for me to desist the temptation and leave the cell phone in my pocket itself. After the movie was over, I found the same scene repeat itself. Everyone coming down the stairs and going out through the exit had their cell phones in hand. During the interval I did some introspection and found that besides the cell phone, my computer (laptop) is another gadget that I'm "addicted" to. If I'm not using either of it, I really feel uneasy. My laptop is on mostly all through the day - and night. But not that bad also as I've been making a serious effort at staying off my computer for as long as possible. Not very successful all the time, but the effort is a serious one!
03 October 2009
Life and living/dying
Now as I follow the devastation and confusion caused due to the tsunami, earthquake and floods in the Philippines, Samoa, ... and in my own state of Andhra Pradesh, I wonder what a strange game play of life and death. On the one hand, life in some places is cut short and elsewhere - and even may be in these very places too - life continues to emerge as though nothing is amiss. Perhaps a reminder for us that life carries on with its cycle; it is we who make it worth living (or dying) by how we view and utilise life.
God bless everyone... those who lost their lives, those battling for life, those mourning the loss of their beloveds (and life-earnings), those involved in the relief works... and even my new bird friends outside my office.
02 October 2009
Don Bosco, Gandhiji and the Guardian Angels

A family meal
Last night I took time out to go home for supper. This time it was special because it was supposed to be a family meal after the harvest season. During the prayers before meals we all remembered our "roots" back in Mangalore and their efforts in living their life amidst all their joys and struggles.
Moreover it was good to see Papa looking healthy and really cheerful. The new member to join the clan is another great added joy!
Moreover it was good to see Papa looking healthy and really cheerful. The new member to join the clan is another great added joy!
01 October 2009
Making life work for us...
Continuing yesterday's reflection on the life, works and attitude of St Jerome and the prophet Nehemiah, I realise most often people miss out much because they are all the while worried about the next thing they ought to have. Looking into my own life, I've really been content with what I possess. Some friends like Prathap would otherwise say that I'm stingy enough not to get things needed, but all said and done, I feel much can be wrought by utilising what we already have. In the process, as and when there is a felt need for greater, better, more things, they will eventually come along. But to wait for them all to begin work is just but an excuse for our laziness.
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of things in life; perhaps they are good at making the best of everything that life brings along their way.
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of things in life; perhaps they are good at making the best of everything that life brings along their way.
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