
01 April 2016

The 'wow' vs the 'everydayness'

In today's gospel, there is this combo event: Jesus' instructing his disciples to cast their net on the other side and then later dining with them.  Of course, by any given account, the former is more dramatic and 'eye-catching' in comparison to the latter. But for someone who gets in the shoes of the apostles and Jesus and the relationship they developed over the couple of years together, it will not take long to realize the profound meaning of the latter: Jesus dining with them.  One common element among them both, however, is the fish!

To suggest another location for hauling fish, is magic (the 'wow' element).  To dine with someone, to spend time with, to break bread with and for someone, especially those who have lost hope, courage and faith, is so humane and thus precisely, divine.

In life we often easily mix up the two.  We prefer to be dazzled than to be shaken. We choose to enjoy the glitter rather than sit by the embers.  We like to be entertained by magic than be involved in relating life and love.

Ingredients of life are the same; the concoction or the proportion or priorities are not always the same!

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