
13 February 2011

Generosity as a virtue

The other day when the gospel was about the multiplication of bread and fish, Fr Wilson had preached a very appropriate sermon on generosity as the foundation of such miracles and God's intervention points. Citing the example of one who had the seven loaves of bread, Fr Wilson said that he did not hesitate in making these available to the Lord. He surely did not know that the Lord was up to. Neither did he calculate and see how these 7 loaves would suffice the thousands, nor how much he would get out of it... he just gave it all. Fr Wilson was very right in saying that one of the essential characteristics of a consecrated is to be generous to others. It does not matter how much you give but with what attitude and how much of joy and willingness you give.

However, something was troubling me about this whole idea since yesterday. I felt something was missing in this whole understanding when contextualised to our situation here. This evening I realised what it was when the third course leader approached me to 'inform' me about their 'decision' to sponsor icecream and some statue(s) to the community as an act of appreciation and thanksgiving. To an outsider (or even the community members here) it may sound as a genuine act of generosity... but not to me. For me it is an insult and a sin. Their generosity was not theirs! They are offering to the community what is not theirs to offer. How can I offer to others what is not mine and claim to be generous? I know very well that most of them have hardly enough money to sustain their own personal expenses. In such a situation to pool together and spend huge amounts is in no way justified... even if it has been donated to them by some senior Priests or well wishers.

Being generous is indeed a virtue when it is joyful, whole-hearted and sincerely your own to offer. The joy in offering something to someone comes not just because the other is helped but because it is out of your sweat and blood that you are making a sacrifice for that person.

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