
17 April 2018

Wild flowers better than...

Looking around the whole place, I cannot but admire the dandelions!  They really look beautiful. They are considered wild and 'bad' (for the lawns) but gosh they are so pretty!  They are bigger and better than very many of the 'exotic' flowers.  Perhaps because they grow in abundance and by themselves that they are not given the respect and admiration they deserve.  But they are no less beautiful and good than any other 'garden' flower.  I think I'll grow a few in a pot or tray! 
Dandelions growing at the back of the house
And these blue bells growing so gracefully in the back, along the drive!  I've never ever touched that bit of the place and yet right now, that thin strip at the back of the house has the most number of flowers!  Blue and white bells.... together with the yellow dandelions, they are a sight to behold.

1 comment:

  1. They are soo pretty!! Here, I would have to work hard to grow them. Ayyo.


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