
24 June 2010

Being more than a priest... a man of God

Last night for the goodnight thought to the Brothers, I spoke to them about the difference between being a leader and a politician. A leader is someone who is upright, who stands by what is true and morally good. It is not that he is without limitations or weaknesses, but in spite of them he stands head and shoulders above the rest because his goals are eternal values and not some frivolous personal whims and fancies. A politician on the other hand, is anyone with some shrewd brain and tricks. One just needs enough money and muscle power these days to become a politician. Not every leader is a politician and not every politician is a leader. The greatest advantage of being a leader is that he is able to inspire others to greater things of life. He is able to challenge and bring out the best in those who come in contact with him.

I concluded exhorting the Brothers to not just become Priests (anyone can become a priest these days, I told them) but to become men of God. Persons ablaze with God and who are able to set others ablaze with that same divinity. Persons who make a difference in the lives of people, not just from the altar or the pulpit but at every moment of their life and interaction.

St John the Baptist was a real leader: he stood by values (even to the extent of getting his head chopped off), showed and led others to follow the 'truth', was courageous to take a stand (even if that meant he would have to stand alone), was one driven with passion to do what was right.

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