
08 March 2009

Women in my life

Today is Women's day and I think I should post something about some of the women who have touched and moulded my life. First and foremost, of course is my Mummy! If there is anyone in the world of whom I can be truly proud of, it is my Mummy and Daddy. Not that they did anything or achieved anything great. But that it is basically from them that I learnt what life is and what is the best way to live it. Mummy and Daddy never pampered us (my brother and me) but they did not even persecute us. Things weren't as rosy and smooth as now, when we were small. Those were hard times. Yet my brother and I never felt the weight or burden of it. Mostly because Papa and Mummy took it wholy upon themselves. Yet they helped us see that life is difficult. One has to slog to satisfactorily enjoy the meal at hand. We did not get the best of what was available but what we got (be it uniform, clothes, food, gifts...) turned out to be the best because it was out of sheer hard work and love. Today I am proud to say that I am willing to do any work - thanks to Papa and Mummy who showed me that work is sacred and good.

Then there is Leena Aunty - someone whom I admire for her courage and grit. Life has surely been very cruel to her, yet she fights. Then there is Baby Aunty who is ever so cheerful and homely. Again she too has her share of woes but that does mean she carries it around for all to see. There is of course, my grandma, who is no more. I guess all three of them (my Mummy and my aunties) only inherited this graceful life from my grandma. Hats off to her for simplicity in living one's life, the courage to face difficulties, the depth of love to keep the family united and the zeal to work anytime, anywhere, whatever!

Thank you God for these women in my life. They mean a world to me!

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