
08 March 2009

Suffering and climbing down

I liked the reflection shared by Alex this morning, something common between the Gospel of the day (Transfiguration) and the first reading (Moses willing to sacrifice his son Isaac). In both the readings the theme of climbing up the mountain is prevalent. Both the instances take place on a mountain top and both have the intervention of the supernatural. Alex however preached on the dual and integral aspect of suffering and joy in human life. He described how climbing up the mountain is synonymous with suffering and hardships one ought to face in life.

However, I thought more than climbing up the mountain, it is climbing down the mountain that is most painful. Climbing up is always with a great fervour, we have our goal set, our energies are at an all time high and nothing seems so difficult. But the climbing down... well there is nothing more to be achieved besides getting back to the plain rhythm of life and though easier by way of physical exertion, dangerous because it takes more strain on the knees and joints.

Ask that of anyone who has his knees injured!

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