
23 August 2010

Irugu Porugu

Yesterday we had the Irugu Porugu Programme for the children of the neighbourhood. We had nearly 600 children in the Seminary for the whole day. On the whole it was good to see children all excited and involved. Of course, these children (most of them at least) have been coming to the Seminary over the years. I was not much involved in the planning and preparation part of it.

Surprisingly Brothers were the most disorganised and unprepared, while all along they had been telling me that they were giving practice to the children every weekend for the past one month. Anyway, that's for another thought. As for me, I got to meet children from practically most of the villages. Since I had been to some villages for the last two weekends, some children recognised me and they showed their joy at knowing another face!! Some of the Brothers were with the children the whole time, out of their own choice (for some I had to make the choice and decide for them!). Here are a couple of snaps...
Of the cultural programme/competitions

These two tiny ones seem to have strayed away from their group and I found them wandering near the library. At first they were a bit anxious to reunite with their friends from the village. But no sooner they saw the camera in my hand, all anxieties vanished and one of them spontaneously asked me to take a photo and before I could answer both of them were ready with a perfect smile... I didn't miss it!!

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