
03 July 2010

Taking a stand

Here at Kondadaba, my life is on a 'hibernation' mode still. Plan to 'resurrect' on Monday... I'm giving myself a discount of one week from the Doctor's prescribed rest of one month. One of my main priorities will surely be to get the Brothers stand for values, as individuals. A common phenomenon at Kondadaba (as it was 10 years ago) is that Brothers take shelter in the group. They wouldn't want to stick their head out for anything - in spite of knowing that it is good, true and worthy enough to take the risk. I realised it is not out of ignorance that they would like to remain silent when they ought to speak out, but it is out of sheer fear of what others will say. It is the lack of moral courage to face what is wrong with a firm heart and take a stand. Most of the Brothers are good and virtuous but not courageous enough to take a stand, especially when it comes to taking a stand in public. Like I told them bluntly the other day during the goodnight, if they do not have the courage and the moral authority to tell their best friend that what he is doing is wrong, they are not going to be any better 'Priests' or 'prophets' later after their ordination.

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