
07 April 2018

From unbelief to belief

It is Mary Magdalene who is the first witness to Jesus' resurrection.  Of all the people, she first reports the incident to the apostles - evidently.  Then He appears to the two disciples on the way to Emmaus. They too run back to Jerusalem to tell this to the apostles.  Yet the apostles are skeptical.  It is only when Jesus appears to them that they believe in his being risen.  Thomas is the only one among the apostles who misses seeing Him when He appears first.  He too does not believe - not Mary Magdalene, not the two disciples, not even his fellow apostles!  It is only when he sees Jesus for himself that he begins to believe. 

There may be many a thing we may spread and bear witness to.  Most people do believe when they hear or see someone testify about something they themselves have not seen or experienced.  However, personal experience, in most cases endorses that belief and leads to deepening of the conviction.  For some that personal experience may be the trigger. 

It all hinges on trust.  We basically trust people.  We believe that they will tell us the truth.  We trust that they will not mislead us.  However, in today's world, in spite of and perhaps because of the growth of communication channels there is a growing amount of suspicion about things.  Fake news. Alternative facts.  Post-truth.  Very many think it is due to growth of technology.  Not necessarily. It still boils down to human nature. The real antidote to suspicion and fear is trust; not regulation.  

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