
11 June 2013

To walk is an art...

In what is turning out to be a real simple lifestyle lived rather than theological dogmas doled out, the new Pope Francis, is truly endearing himself to me, more and more! As I read his sermons, talks, informal conversations and spontaneous discussions with different group of peoples, I am truly inspired.  I guess, his lifestyle speaks much much more than anything. His words only compliment and add to that! And I, for sure, am listening ... and learning! Here's what I read today...
We need to be magnanimous, with bid hearts and without fear. Always bet on great ideals. But also magnanimity in small things and daily things... Magnanimity means walking with Jesus, attentive to that which Jesus tells us. 
(part of his spontaneous discussion with school children. Earlier, he put aside his prepared speech, saying "A little boring!")

When a student doubting his faith asked for words of encouragement, he likened the faith to a long walk.
To walk is an art.  To walk is the art of looking at the horizon, thinking about where I want to go but also enduring the fatigue. And many times, the walk is difficult, it is not easy… There is darkness… even days of failure… one falls… But always think this: do not be afraid of failure. Do not be afraid of falling. In the art of walking, what is important is not avoiding the fall but not remaining fallen. Get up quickly, continue on, and go. … But it is also terrible to walk alone, terrible and boring. Walking in community with friends, with those who love us, this helps us and helps us get to the end.

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