
10 June 2018

Digital youth ministry

If not this generation, the next generation of Indian children will most certainly be the 'generation z'!  Today we in India still have the 'luxury' of a captive audience, by way of young people in our schools, parishes, youth centres and colleges.  Thanks to our culture and rootedness in family connections it may really take some time before the European scenario is replicated in our hometowns:  we'd have the previously listed institutional set ups, but the actual meeting place of the young will no more be playgrounds, youth clubs or classrooms.  They will be meeting, chatting, discussing, deliberating things and life matters online! 

Like the case of very many youngsters in the cities and in Europe, the only place where you can actually see and meet young people is online!! And the only friends they have are in the virtual world.  I see this so vividly here in the UK.  I know that this is not the healthiest for human growth, but this is the reality.  This is our 'giveness'.  A strange era (atleast for 'oldies' like me, but not for the young of today).  The Salesian mantra of 'Being out there with young people' is still valid.  But we can be and do so without physically leaving one's room! More than any other place on earth, digital youth ministry is very much the way forward here in the first world! 

But this online contact is only the initial contact phase.  The deeper accompaniment will be possible and is truly meaningful only when we are face to face, in person.  However, more and more today, if not for this initial online contact, the later personal contact is almost impossible.  What we most significantly can do is make know of the presence of an 'anchor' to young people, not get them to stick to it!  In due course, at important moments of life, when faced with challenges they find unsurmoutable, they will atleast remember that they can 'anchor' on someone.  Perhaps then we can play a more consistent and influential role in their individual lives.  Till then, the sporadic, accidental, non-essential tweets, texts and chats are the way forward. 

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