
22 January 2020

Reading old newspapers

If I'm not mistaken I came across this particular phrase or proverb for the first time in one of R.K. Narayan's works:  When cleaning the temple courtyard don't start reading the newspaper flying around.

In our context it would be most appropriate to reword it as 'when cleaning a cupboard, don't start reading the old newspapers!' Everytime we work we have a hundred and other works and 'things to do' that keep propping up in our mind.  So rather than concentrate on the task at hand, we either try to 'multi-task' or end up wasting time finishing the task because our mind has been planning about the next one.  I've realised that I'm taking way long to prepare for my classes.  Not that the content is heavy and therefore requires serious work - far from it.  I keep thinking of another subject or drawing up a list of the other tasks that need to be done.  In the meantime the one that I'm working on gets delayed. 

On the other hand, the thrill of letting our minds wander and re-collect odd memories and ideas, right in the midst of some serious preparation, is indeed very fascinating.  Some of these memories are very old and not often thought of.  Most interesting is the people it reminds me of.  Some of whom I've not remembered for long!  

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