
16 January 2014

Faith-building Friendship

1 Sm 8: 4-7. 10-22a/ Ps 89: 16-17. 18-19/ Mk 2: 1-12

Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic, “My child, your sins are forgiven.” (Mk 2: 5)

A woman who was loosing her ability to speak due to cancer enrolled herself for a sign language class. And so did her husband, four children, two sisters, brother, mother, father and twelve close friends! They loved her dearly and wanted to continue communicating with her when she could no longer speak.

The friendship of the four pall-bearers would not have been so strong and unanimous, hadn't the paralytic done and been a true friend to them. Seeing their friendship and loyalty, Jesus recognizes the goodwill of the bed-ridden man. Is our friendship faith-building or mere chit-chat?

No greater love a man can have than to lay down his life for his friends (Jn 15: 13)

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