
10 March 2020

Eggs and colour

Only yesterday did I come to know that only the coloured hens in the UK lay brown eggs.  Always thought that the hens laying brown eggs are a special breed.  However, the brown coloured eggs  are laid by a special breed whose beaks are trimmed using infrared laser beams, when they are small, in order to prevent them from pecking one another as they grow up.  Being aggressive and competitive, they tend to peck on one another and hence the blunting of their beaks when they are small (Also learnt that, that procedure is painful).  In contrast, the meek white feathered ones lay white shelled eggs.  Apart from the colour of the shell, the eggs are the same.  The same nutritional value and the taste.  And the white egg market here in the UK is merely 0.5% of the total number of eggs sold.  Unlike in the US and India, where 90% of the eggs sold are white in colour. 

Moral of the story: I think the coloured hens in India don't know - yet - that they are to lay brown-shelled eggs! 

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