
03 February 2014

Go home!

In the Gospel reading of today (Mark 5: 1-20), Jesus tells a healed man who is keen to follow Jesus, to 'go back home and preach to the good God has done'.  It is interesting to note that the man is said to have pleaded with Jesus to let him join Him, but Jesus is clear in his reply: 'Go home to your family and tell them what the Lord in his pity has done for you!'

I wonder why is this passage rarely or never heard in formation settings!  Never once have I heard any formator of mine or me myself using this text to drive home the point that not everyone is called to be a Priest or Religious.  Very many in formation houses - worse still, formation personnel - believe and are highly convinced that everyone who walks into the Seminary or formation house ought to be 'preserved', must become a Priest!  Now I'm not talking of those whose character is such that they really do not fit in - they obviously do not know what they are asking for. Not such youngsters.  But there are other youngsters, good and apparently 'chosen' ... but are they?

That's why a proper discernment process is due.  Always!

Secondly unless this 'hierarchy of vocation' mindset is changed, any youngster led to opt for a life outside the formation house will be seen as 'bad'. Every vocation is good and meaningful.  Every call is precious.  The Salesian Congregation clearly places 'vocation to life' prior to 'vocation to religious life' - at least theoretically! 

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