
16 February 2014

Engineering liver

A description by a Brother who joined the Seminary after his studies in Engineering, to others during our recent visit to the Science City, in Kolkata (it was at the site of an gadget describing the use of levers):
See, you can pull this heavy metal from this side because your 'lever' is here (pointing to his side) but from the other side it is difficult because your 'lever' is on the other side. That's the advantage of lifting weights from the side where your 'lever' is.
Just in case that spelling deceives you, what he was explaining to others was 'liver' as lever!  Some Engineering studies that must have been!

1 comment:

  1. I had to read that over and over :D :D

    Really?! someone told him that one's liver affected how well one could work levers! gosh.


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