
23 September 2012

Good teachers

Another reflection while reading a commentary on the Gospels that I came across this evening...
...which of us nowadays goes in search of good teachers who will instruct us about the way of life?
There's a great amount of truth therein.  It is the whole debate and anxiety about spiritual direction and guidance.  Each one wants to be a self-made man, exclusively.  We are convinced that we know best and therefore anyone else or everyone else's opinion or guidance is looked upon as demeaning oneself. However, wisdom and experience shows that if coming from a wise and genuine source, any guidance can be life transforming.

It certainly is easier said than done! 

1 comment:

  1. The problem is also to find wise and genuine sources.

    And also, the notion that since Jesus, and by divine selection, the Church (Catholic), is the greatest of all the sources; we are not required to go further. And if you do, it is rather blasphemous. And you are made to feel guilty. So...


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