
06 April 2020

Lazarus, the collateral damage?

In the gospel today we hear how the Jews plotted against Jesus and it is amusing to note, that not only is Jesus their target, but Lazarus too!  And what did Lazarus do in order to get his name on the hit-list?  Well, he was raised from the dead by Jesus! 

That Jesus was being plotted against and planned to be bumped off, is quite understandable.  He was challenging the authority of the established system and leaders.  He was teaching all crazy stuff.  He barely respected any of the religious elders - going to the extent of calling them names.  He broke most of the 'sacred' laws.  He just was too much to handle.  So, 'better for one man to die than risk a whole nation'!  But Lazarus?  Why him?  He did not ask to be raised from the dead.  He was just summoned out of the tomb!  Nor did he go about following Jesus and preaching the Kingdom just like the apostles and the disciples.  He never wrote any epistles or memorandums to the Roman government.  I don't think he even ventured out of Bethany on any of the missionary expeditions of Jesus and his cohort. 

Why then target him?  He certainly was no collateral damage.  He was a target in himself.  Purely because his very existence was a living witness to what Jesus was and did.  The scene in today's gospel at the house of Lazarus, where Martha is dishing out a lavish meal and Mary is anointing Jesus' feet with the costliest of ointments, is of real festivity and life.  The same house, a couple of days earlier, was in deep mourning.  Now there is rejoicing.  In that sense Lazarus is a very fortunate man.  Without actually doing much, he merits the death schemers attention.  Blessed is the one whom the Lord favours.  And by that mere single favour, bears witness to the Lord. 

I am blessed with innumerable favours.  Am I then a target of those who hate Christ, for my very life  bears witness to Jesus?  Or am I treated by them as an insignificant threat, someone whom they think is not connected to Jesus at all?

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