
05 September 2019

Women and economic prosperity

An interesting connection between women in society and economics...
Furthermore, because newly married couples set up independent homes, rather than a newly married woman being absorbed into the groom’s family, marriage responded to the motions of the economy. If fortunes took a turn for the worse, people postponed marriage and, with it, baby-making. They had to – until they could afford otherwise. This affected population dynamics in a way that helped to keep population growth in check, enabling the economy to support a higher wage. The relatively greater degree of women’s freedom in Europe meant that the economy entered its virtuous circle in which higher wages and productivity growth positively fed back on each other.
This particular extract is speaking specifically about women in Britain, especially since the Industrial revolution. I've most often looked at the social and cultural aspect of marriage and family life, never really thought about the economic implications these factors play. 

Perhaps never felt the need to look at the economic dimension of anything at all!

The full article on Aeon, is titled Sex and Prosperity. The article is also a good reflection on the politicization of woman's body. 

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