
05 August 2018

Keeping the chicken alive

In my younger days at home, Mummy used to often say that another person could have a meal from the amount leftover in Willy's plate.  So it was Mummy who would serve him the softest meat parts, and even tear off the meat from the bones of the chicken and coax him to eat what is served.  On the other hand, like Papa, I liked to even crush the bones and extract the marrow!  I'm sure Chris and Anet are not far from their dad with regard to eating habits. 

Am reminded of this whenever we have the whole chicken roast for meals.  For the amount of meat that is eaten or rather that which is not extracted because it is too close to the bones or that it has the skin still attached or whatever reason, one need not have killed the chicken.  Am sure the chicken would have survived, having donated the amount of meat we actually consume!  Not fair to eat every bit of food, especially after it involves a life, and so much labour of different people all along the process!  

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