
02 September 2017

Of talents and relationships

The gospel reading of the day, which speaks of talents, when viewed from another perspective offers a deep insight.  While on the surface it could be seen as one utilising all God's gifts and the corresponding reward/punishment for doing so.  However, prior to the utilisation of the gifts, if one is to review the relationship of the stewards to the Master, one realises the stark difference.  The last steward literally feared the master.  This is not said so of the other two.  Perhaps they too feared the master but not as much as the third one.  The other two had a more liberating and deeper relationship with the master.  They did not feel frightened of taking a risk in using the talents.

It occurred to me that most of us Catholics are like the third steward.  We feel attached to the master, not by love but more by fear.  It is fear of God that prompts us to say or do things the way we do.  Those few who really are inspired more by the love than the fear (reverence?) of/for God, are those who live their lives to the full.  They take risks, they dare, feel free and liberated because they trust in the love of the Father.  Just like a child they are playful and at ease in the presence of the father.  They do not have to work 'hard' to impress him, for they know that the father loves them! 

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