
27 February 2015

To reach the heart

It was nice to meet Fr Ivo again, this time in our own community.  Glad to notice that the pressure of the responsibility (General Councillor for Formation) hasn't been too much - or atleast didn't show!  He still remains the same.  Among the many things, he hasn't changed his approach: basically to ask pin-pointed and very relevant questions.  I still remember learning from him that knowledge is not about having all the answers but the process raising relevant questions (I'm sure he was voicing Lonergan!).

This time, discussing with the staff, he stated something I haven't heard him say before: The whole challenge of the formator is to reach the heart of the formee.  I guess, it is something he has picked up while in Rome. I'm not talking of the concept but the framing of the words.  Anyhow, he repeatedly put this across to us. How, when, using what means... he said, is all our lookout. He was also quick to add, that it is easier said than done (I suppose, he himself being a formator, knows the implications and the challenges therein).

I purposely remained silent all through, for I did not want my anger or distress to speak. Furthermore, issues related to the community, I need to talk TO and WITH the community... for Fr Ivo and his team these would be more of information. Besides, persons of Fr Ivo's calibre don't need many words to grasp and understand.  

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