
01 November 2013

The Castilino Clan

Good news from home this evening:
The Castilino clan just got bigger...
My sister-in-law gave birth to a baby girl today.
The exact time and sequence of events, I'm yet to come to know myself.
I'm away in Guwahati for a Brothers' meeting and that's how, I'm out of the loop.

Even when Chris (my nephew) was born, I was out of the reachable circle (I was in Bangalore taking some classes on Salesiana for a group of Salesians).

However, it will not be until January that I get to see my niece in person. And when I do, hopefully, I'll have completed all my major responsibilities for this academic year... hopefully!  One never knows!  

1 comment:

  1. Congrats,
    I hope that by the grace of all
    is well.
    Martha V.


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