
21 August 2012

Meeting old friends

Yesterday I consciously took a bit time off before and after the meeting to visit some of the elderly people whom I knew in and around the campus of the Provincial house. In the morning I met Sr Modesta, in the neighbouring convent.  As before she was busy cleaning up the dining hall after breakfast and getting it ready for lunch.  It was great to see that small bundle of life still bubbling with energy as before.  The same spirit, the same cheer.  I spoke to her for some time and felt happy to have made it.  Just to ensure that I did not antagonize anyone else, I just said hello to one or two more Sisters whom I knew of old there. But it was great to meet Sr Modesta.

After the meeting I walked across to BIRDY, just to say hello to Fr M.D. Jacob. He was not in his usual place, infront of the main entrance on his wheel chair.  So I walked in and approached his room.  Only on entering I realised that he was badly sick and bed-ridden for quite some time now.  Worse still his speech was incomprehensible and I was told by his Priest-brother and Susheela, the nurse that he often did not even recognise people.  It felt bad to see him.  However, he surprised the two of them attending on him by telling my name and the uttering the word, 'secretary' too.  So he did remember me.  He has been on the wheel-chair for the past 18 years... and that's how I knew him.  I never saw him before that fatal accident.  Anyway, hope he recovers from the infested wound and is able to at least move about on his wheel-chair.  

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