
01 March 2015


The readings of today, besides conveying the theme of sacrifice, spell out something deep. Abraham is called up to sacrifice his son; God does so, in the Gospel. However, what struck me was something else. How is it that Abraham (and Paul and Peter) discerned that what they 'heard' was from God? Take for example, Abraham. While he 'heard' that he was to become the father of the nations, he had in reality, no children. When told to sacrifice his only son, he took off.  What made him so sure that it was God who was asking this of him, especially given the fact that it was the same God who promised that he would be the 'father of the nations'? Why didn't he dismiss this as some whimsical fantasy of his?  Why not think that God was joking and smile and forget about it?

The same applies to the others in the Bible.  I am not inclined to believe that God spoke in as clear and distinct terms as someone in my own community is speaking to me in words.  I suppose God has his own means of communication, the same even today!  What parameters did these Biblical figures use to gauge and arrive at the conclusion that it was God asking them to do what they did, not their own ego, not their fantasy, not their unfulfilled desires, not the echo of their friends and relatives...?

I wish it were as easy for me, as for them!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it was or is easy for most people. So join the party, Cas.


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