
11 February 2020

Wine turned into water!

Today's Gospel is about Jesus changing water into wine, during the wedding feast at Cana.  This event is considered significant because it marks the first miracle of Jesus in public. 

For someone who has a great trust in God, the act of converting water into wine is a very consoling and confirming theory. But for one who has his or her whole life being tossed about by the winds of change and nothing seems to be going on according to plans or efforts, it is mostly the theory of wine being changed into water! It is not mere pessimism, but an actual experience of fighting against the current.  And despite all the effort and good will that one puts in, the results are the same: wine into water! 

However, I ask myself, is Jesus present at those moments of wine turning into water?  Is it Him who is doing it?  Perhaps, he is waiting for me to change the water back into wine!  Or perhaps water is the new wine (for me!)

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