
31 December 2019

Looking back and looking ahead

Looking back at the year that is passing on into history (2019), the most immediate and looming event is certainly the passing away of Papa. 

Other than that it has been one of the most uneventful and boring years in my memory.  The only exciting and 'working' days have been far and in between:  the exam invigilation in the month of May, the Student Cross pilgrimage to Walsingham during the Holy Week, the 10 days of teaching at the University, the PhD Annual review and the Upgrade (and the spurt of preparation of texts for the same) and time spent in the garden. 

The only continued hard work that I put in was the past one month at home: working with cement, and plants and garden and house and what not!  Apart from the past one month, the rest of the year was one lazy spend.  Most of it was also a painful discernment whether to carry on with my PhD or not.  And the only thing that carried all the buden, all through the year, was my chair! 

Nonetheless, I cannot but be grateful to the Lord and all others, for this luxurious relaxing year.  Wouldn't want to make any resolutions for the year ahead.  Am well aware 2020 would be hectic: Teaching RE at the Salesian, teaching at the University and the third year of my PhD - though in order of importance, it should be the other way round!

Nevertheless, if there is one thing that I would sincerely like to work on, that would be myself.  To be more precise, I need to listen and hear more, that too patiently and respond even more patiently!  

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