
24 October 2018


Teaching Philosophy of religion 'at a tangent' from my own perspective, trying to be in line with the main lecturer's take, is quite an interesting adventure.  For now we are dealing with the design argument about the existence of God.  I see arguments and points about which I've not come across before.  Most of the times, they quite apparent and 'normal' but there are also some points which I wonder how and why on earth do they arise.  How can one have such an argument in the face of such overwhelming proof to the contrary.  At times I fail to see the point at all. 

I also am becoming aware that my whole context (reading, understanding, ambiance, formation...) has been so to say 'soaked' in confirming God's existence.  Not that the contradictions and arguments against it were totally absent or avoided.  Far from it.  But the general ambiance was one of belief.  Now the context is different.  Naturally the take on the matter will be different.  I place myself in the shoes of the other and see why an argument, which makes no sense to me at all, is held in such high esteem by the other;  or some argument that I consider solid and convincing, being branded and 'silly'.  I still don't understand it, but it certainly helps me be open and considerate of the other.  Just as I expect the other to be of mine.  That is part of learning as well.  

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