
19 December 2008

Running, struggling, working hard... to die!

It is said that these were the last words of Alexander the Great: "Bury my body, do not build any monument, keep my hands outside so that the world knows the person who won the world had nothing in his hands when dying."

Looking at the rat race that we are all running (whichever the track be) these words make a lot of sense. Today in the market I saw several things but some struck me quite distinctively. Outside the fancy glass stores selling Christmas wares, were these lambadi women selling balloons and some plastic balls. They would run around anyone leaving these shopping malls all with the hope that some child would wail and the parent purchase a balloon for them. They'd walk - I'd say, maneuver - through the packed traffic at the signal persuading those in the vehicles to purchase something from them. Those in the shopping malls cared two hoots these women and children. So did those in the vehicles with their windows closed, comfortable in the AC.

Then there was the other group, those running, rushing, pushing... all just to get into an already cramped bus. If only they thought like most of us religious - just take the house vehicle or call for an auto - the APSRTC would have nothing to do.

And at the end of it all, what? All of us would be dead... gone... dust!

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