
15 May 2024

Hypatia and Christian militantism

 It is easy to grow blind to one's own mistakes or faults.  The same can very specially be true of one's own belief, religion, family or group.  Once we realise this drawback, one ought to beware of it consciously and repeatedly check ourselves, to be open to criticism and feedback.  

One such historical blunder that Christianity made in its early history was the 'murder' of Hypatia.  The following video clearly spells out the incidents that led to the death of this scholarly woman and eventually the decline of philosophical thinking in Greece.  In a way, if Christianity replaced the 'crude' paganism of the Roman era, it also did away with other good things... not all of which can be classified under 'collateral damage'. 

Of course, to now blame Christianity for this, in the twenty-first century, would not be any wiser.  But important lessons from history should always be learnt.  

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