
12 August 2020

Unchristian catholic

Sometimes one wonders how come some have such a range of convictions, one contradicting another so fully and clearly, yet comfortable with them all and proudly claiming to be loyalists to one side. 

Simple example (from a recent news article, with no prejudice against the person): 

...has positioned herself as a strong supporter of Mr Trump and is pro-gun, pro-border wall and anti-abortion.

This is the profile of an American politician holding opposite ends of the ethical spectrum and still claiming to be a Christian.  So on the one hand she is against abortion - that's a typical christian stand.  At the same time she upholds the border wall, something that divides and dehumanizes another human being (not to mention oneself)!  And as if that is not enough encourages the gun culture.  How can one who upholds life at one stage or form (that of babies) be against the same life at another point in age (youngsters or adults)?  And to top it all, there's 'Mr Trump' in the same sentence! 

This sort of comfortable cognitive dissonance is not something entirely new or shocking.  I've come across people of this kind, and they just don't see the polarity!! Just not!! But what is shocking is that there are more and more such people becoming leaders and policy makers! Now that's something catastrophic. 

My faith as a Catholic is just as plain and direct as being a good human.  If I can't be a good human, then I can never claim to be a Catholic either - and the vice-versa too! 

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